Wednesday, February 08, 2012

ESH 2012 satellite symposium in Oslo

In connection with the CME course on hypertension in Oslo that will start tomorrow, the Norwegian society of hypertension together with the European society and the research group in Oslo have arranged a Research symposium so that some of the young researchers in Norway would have occasion to present their data. Not me. I am just here to pretend to listen while blogging. The sessions were focused on Coronary heart disease, Cardiac hypertrophy, Kidney disease and Diabetes and Atrial Fibrillation, all in more or less direct connection to hypertension, as well as hypertension as such.

After a night on call and then leaving home for my flight at 5:30 in the morning, I might have been less attentive than otherwise. But never the less, I thought I might mention some highlights:

Anabolic steroids causes heart disease (well known).
Early pressure intervention is probably bad after ischemic stroke (SCAST as reported last year). 
Long-time endurance training is associated with increased risk for atrial fibrillation (as we knew). 
Inflammation in reumatologic disease increases the development of atherosclerosis. 
Hypertension treatment in moderate aortic stenosis is probably not dangerous (needs more study). 
IL-18 plasma concentration is affected by a SNP in the 3'-UTR, which is also associated with hypertension, but not with cardiovascular disease in the studied population (The physiologist finds this interesting, the physician not so much). 
Antiviral treatment in HIV is associated with hypertension in those with more severe disease before the start of treatment. 
Blueberry extracts (anthocyanins) have no effect on blood pressure (None).

Now my brain is full and I have to get to my hotel and get something to eat before I die from undernutrition and sleep deprivation.

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